Hi everybody 😊,

Spring is so beautiful in this part of the world.  I feel grateful for the life that I have here every day.  Thank you for being a part of it.

Lately Rick and I have been living our best lives focusing mostly on business.  We are both feeling fulfilled and motivated by our work.  AZ Builders Services is  actively producing in different phases of at least five solid jobs, two of which are quite large.  Meanwhile, continuing to serve regular clients.  I am so proud of Rick and love seeing how he interacts with people so beautifully.  These are particularly challenging times in construction.  Supply chain issues are real and omnipresent.  A generation of skilled craftspeople are aging out of the work force while most young people have not gone into the trades.  We are learning to think differently.

The addition we built on HOMC Home Base is serving us righteously.  Having actual office space makes work something I want to do.  All these years of being a small time Landlady and remodeler have shown me that it’s time to up my game.  I’ve been spending a whole lot of time studying all things real estate.  I’m learning about all different kinds of financing, enter and exit strategies, management models, marketing techniques and more.  With that, I have been keeping a keen eye on offers and sales all around Arizona with a focus on finding off-market deals.  Lately, I have been in on the testing and troubleshooting phase of a powerful software called My Property Stats.  With it, I am having so much fun tweaking and comparing deal scenarios.  There are good deals out there to be crafted.  I am currently thick into purchase negotiations for one of them.  There appears to be a cool project on the horizon for the House of Many Colors.

Stay tuned weirdos.

Celeste and Rick





Long-Term Security

Real estate is a long-term investment, meaning you can hold it for several years as you wait for it to appreciate. At the same time, if you rent out your real estate you can earn monthly income while you wait for your property’s value to rise.

About House of Many Colors

House of Many Colors is owned by us, Rick and Celeste Glover. We have been actively involved in the Maricopa County area real estate investing for a number of years.  Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above-average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

We offer our investor partners hands-free investment opportunities.  If you are interested in learning about how to earn an above average return on your investment that is backed by a solid asset without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Rick and Celeste.

For more information about Rick, Celeste and House of Many Colors’ investment program, please call (602) 441-3112, email celeste@houseofmanycolors.com or visit www.houseofmanycolors.com